He's called August, because it was the first of that month when Team Aqua found him alone on the beach as a child. This has been celebrated as his birthday ever since. He is all the types of crass one would expect from being raised by pirates, and is unashamed to be so.

August is a 5'11" (180cm) 20-year-old and has a generally lean build. He is most muscular in his thighs, being an avid cyclist due to the nature of his job. He has dark brown medium length hair which is usually kept under a black bandana, and eyes hazel like a stormy afternoon at sea. He is very brash and borderline obnoxious, often claiming he is "fluent in English, Sarcasm, and Cursing." He truly does love the ocean and all the water-type Pokémon within it, and so he stuck around with Team Aqua into his adulthood to help further their cause and expand upon it for their sakes. He can often be found complaining about all the eggs he has to hatch, but the truth in the matter is that he wouldn't trade it for the world. If not found there, he can most likely be located at the nearest bar.

(TLDR; world hard and cold. eggies soft and warm.)

( Made with Carrd )